Environmental Testers

Our range of environmental test equipment provide users to test and measure all aspects of the environment.  The comprehensive range  includes temperature, infra red, sound level, humidity, LUX level and air flow.
Environmental Meter - Accurate and reliable - Inspec and troubleshoot reliably - Receive high-quality data consistently, and work without interruption.

Temperature & Humidity

Temperature & Humidity
Digital Humidity & Temperature Meter
Professional Thermometer Kit c/w Infrared Probe and Data Log
Professional Thermometer c/w Infrared Probe and Data Log
Thermometer Set
Digital Thermometer
Infrared Thermometer

Lux & Light Meters

Lux & Light Meters
Digital LED Light Meter with Bluetooth Data Logging
Digital Light Meter
Digital Light Meter

Sound Level Meters

Sound Level Meters
Digital Sound Level Meter

Air Quality & Air Flow Meters

Di-LOG offer a range of Air Quality and Air Flow Meters to service to help reduce the risk of infection via aerosols.  A reduction in the aerosols therefore exists predominantly in rooms which are not subiciently ventilated or in which no air exchange is possible.

Environmental Meter

Environmental Meters
Environmental Meter - Accurate and reliable - Inspec and troubleshoot reliably - Receive high-quality data consistently, and work without interruption.
The Di-LOG DL7206 microwave leakage detector quickly and easily checks your microwave and microwave leakage

Microwave Leakage Detectors

The Di-LOG DL7206 microwave leakage detector quickly and easily checks your microwave and microwave leakage
The Di-LOG DL7206 microwave leakage detector quickly and easily checks your microwave and microwave leakage